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Personal Interests 

A few of my personal interests include traveling and exploring, sports, and music. I always enjoyed traveling with my family on summer vacations. I look forward to the different cultures and foods that surround places foreign to me. I have traveled to six different US states and three different countries. I hope to be able to tie in my love with traveling with my future careers. Playing sports and singing have been a large part of my life. When I have free time I like to play basketball at the gym with my friends or sing a couple of my favorite songs.

Professional Interests

Data analytics has always been something that I have had interests in. I love looking at data and interpreting it in a way that is easier for others to understand. Growing up in a family that runs a business, I am always looking for ways to improve the quality of our business while seeking for a gain in profit.

Coding is something that I have recently started learning but it is something that I have a fun time doing. Although as a business major, it is not required for me to be a technical code writer, I find coding relaxing and enjoyable. Coding is something that I hope to expand my knowledge on because I know the importance of the tool.

Entrepreneurship is something that I was surrounded by as a child. Looking up to my father, I saw that he was always working towards opening his own business, something that he could call his own. This is something that I hope to achieve later on in my career. I am a critical thinker and am always looking for new alleyways for a potential successful business.

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