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Interesting Facts About Me!

I would say that I am an interesting person, and have my own unique qualities.

  • I love the John Wick Series, especially the new John Wick: Chapter 4 that is available in movies March 23rd!  I’m excited to see this movie as I have been waiting quite a while for it come out!
  •  TV show that I am currently watching is Lucifer, I am on episode 4, and in sum, it is about a devil who left his place in hell, and moved to LA to escape his responsibilities, and now hangs out with a cop who does not believe he is the ‘devil’ but infers he is after she has seen enough evidence to believe that he is!
  • Placed I’ve lived, well I do not move much, originally I am from Anaheim, Orange county, CA  currently living in SJ for my degree!  I guess you could say I lived in Mexico for six months.  Moved around a lot when I was a kid, but never left Anaheim!
  • I just adopted a new dog, and his name is Pablo!  He is a mix of chihuahua and Dachshund.  However, he is more Chihuahua than Dachshund as he has longer legs, but does have a long body.  He is only five months, and is full of energy that wakes you up in the middle of the night to play!
  • Apps I visit on a daily basis is the Canvas app, as I need to see what homework, projects, exams are upcoming and to ensure that I am ready to submit and prepare for!
  • Favorite things I like to do outside of school and work is go to the gym.  Having a healthy lifestyle is important, and recently I have started the beginning of the month.  I take my protein shakes after my workout, and have began meal prepping so that I can reach my weight goal!
  • Coolest thing I’ve ever done is would have to be going up to a closed course and taking my car, my friends’ car and doing burnouts and drifting!  As they say in the car community, “KILL ALL TIRES”
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