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Healthier Lifestyle

Recently this month, spring semester,  I have started to live a healthier life style, and have been also working out 3-4 days at the gym for 1-2 hours depending on my workout session. With that being said, I do feel much more active in my day to day life and have noticed I feel better when I wake up!  Having a healthy lifestyle leads to having a healthy day in terms of being optimistic about my day and having a positive mindset. This allows me to be energized, focused, and on top of my responsibilities at home, work, and school.

My current weight is 150 pounds, however, I am looking to increase my weight to 165 pounds. With that being said, I do feel much more active in my day to day life and have noticed I feel better when I wake up!  The difficult part of my day is eating as in order for me to gain weight, I must eat a surplus of my calorie requirement which is roughly three thousand five hundred calories per day.

As you can see in the picture below, I am slowly starting to see my muscles defining.  I normally enjoy using free weight workouts instead of machine equipment as they tend to be more efficient than machine.  In this picture, I was working out my arms, specifically working on my triceps, biceps, and shoulders.  I learned during my trainings the weight does not control you,  you control the weight.  In essence, do not utilize weights that you cannot control.  Injuries may occur if not working out safely.\




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