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Helping My Brother in Need

The Covid-19 crisis has had a significant impact on the finances and social lives of many families and friends. In response, I decided to lend a helping hand to my seventeen-year-old brother, Rey, who is an amazing, and outgoing extrovert and is finally on the right track to attend university. During his spring semester in 2023, he was struggling, exhibiting poor habits such as eating unhealthily, being antisocial, and failing classes. I can relate to him as I understand what he is going through, and as someone who had no one to confide in when I was younger, I wanted to make sure that he would not face the same problem.
We started by having a heart-to-heart talk about why he was struggling in his classes and came up with a structured game plan on how he could do better. Since then, his grades have improved from C’s to B’s and A’s, and he is now on track to graduate and apply to a CSU (I suggested SJSU, he prefers his own path). We also discussed the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and how unhealthy habits can lead to health problems in the future. I take him to the gym with me and we follow a weekly workout plan that targets specific muscle groups. Despite my busy schedule with work and school, he has had more time to work out and has even developed a better physique than me. In addition, the gym has given him the ability to make new friends and to improve his social life.
The lesson I’ve learned from this is that it’s crucial to take care of those around you, especially family. They will always be there to support you when you need a helping hand. Some may seek to look for help in times of need and not everyone has the opportunity to do so. As a result, bad habits may go unnoticed and can lead to a state of depression. I was not going to allow this to someone who is close to me, especially knowing that they have someone who will look out for them whenever possible!

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