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Travel more!

As a young person without children, I have taken the opportunity to pursue an exciting hobby that can be quite costly but is undeniably worth it.  By traveling more frequently, I have been able to experience on new adventures and witness breathtaking sights that I had never seen before. Additionally, depending on my destination, I have been able to meet new people and immerse myself in different cultures. The attached selfie captures a recent trip to Big Bear Lake, where I enjoyed a ride on a ski lift that transported me up the snow-capped mountain. This experience allowed me to appreciate the stunning views and scenery, and I was able to share the experience with my 17-year-old brother and girlfriend. He was eager to come along, and we had a great time bonding as we threw snowballs, sipped hot chocolate, went snowboarding, and enjoyed each other’s company.  As for her, I had invited her because we are both eager to enjoy new experiences together.

Interesting fact: We have a few trips scheduled between now and August. Specifically, on my birthday, April 30th, we’ll be driving up to Nevada to visit the Gold Butte National Monument, followed by an educational trip to Las Vegas. As someone who enjoys sightseeing, I find the opportunity of experiencing this to be mesmerizing.   In may, after the Spring semester is over, we will head up to the Sequoia National Park and attempt to hug the ecstatic trees!

We only have one life, and I plan to take the change to take explore new destinations, views, and experience every opportunity possible!

My major has equipped me with skills that will benefit me in my work field. As I gain more experience, I will have the opportunity to establish relationships with new colleagues as I will be able to connect with them, which will allow us to work together more effectively. By building strong connections with my colleagues, we can foster a more collaborative and productive work  environment.


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