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More about Alfred Njunge

Alfred Njunge is a third-year student at San Jose State University, currently pursuing a degree in Business with a Concentration of Management Information Systems. Alfred, intelligent and focused individual, with an innate ability to solve problems. Proficient in time management, which is a crucial skill that helps him balance his academic workload and extracurricular activities.

Tend to pay great attention to detail, which makes him a valuable asset in any team that he is a part of. Always striving to learn and is open to exploring new areas of knowledge. This trait makes me adaptable to any new situations and allows him to excel in various environments.

Passionate in giving back to the youth, and he spends a considerable amount of time volunteering in his community. Always had an interest in music culture and basketball, which has helped him develop a strong network of friends and peers who share his interests.

Personal interest lies in philosophy, and he engages with it daily, studying and discussing various philosophical concepts with his peers. Pursuit of knowledge in this area has helped me develop a unique perspective on life.

Family time, being on time, and being an active leader are some of the core values that I hold dear. Always ready to step up and take charge of situations that require leadership skills. Additionally, experienced in the language of Python, which is a valuable skill in the tech industry.

Overall, With my skills in problem-solving, time management, and attention to detail, coupled with the desire to learn and give back to the community, I believe I am well-positioned to make a positive impact in his chosen field and beyond.

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