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  • Cyber-security
  • Data analytics
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Relevant Course Projects

Office Solutions Data Analysis, Management Information Systems                                                    October 2023 – November 2023

  • Leveraged Google Colab to generate data insights and visualizations using the Pandas library in Python
  • Finalized an analysis report to summarize data insights and provide an alternative to Office Solutions’ current discount strategy, increasing profits by 10%
  • Created a menu using Python functions to allow on-demand access to data and increase efficiency by 50%

Spotify Data Visualization, Business Programming                                                                                           February 2023 – May 2023

  • Utilized Python to process Spotify data through functions
    • Requested users to log in with a valid client ID and secret
    • Prompted users to input two unique categories and processed category playlist and track information to compare category details
  • Provided markdowns to explain code functions to new users
  • Communicated with team members to report individual roles and contributions

Organizational Analysis, Business Management and Organizational Behavior                                                 March 2023 – April 2023

  • Collaborated with peers to research an organizational problem by applying business management models and theories, such as groupthink and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
  • Conducted interviews with employees to gain further insight into various internal issues
  • Presented early research findings and initialized a report to analyze the organization as well as provide solutions
  • Incorporated written communication skills to evaluate team members based on their overall participation
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