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Viva Espresso: Lower the Wait for the Same Taste

Viva Espresso

Within this project’s scope, we were tasked to choose a company and propose changes that would improve their profits or another aspect. My group decided on a coffee shop in Salinas, California called ‘Viva Espresso’. One of our group members was an employee there so it helped to have a first-hand account of the operations within the store. She said the most significant problem the store faced was a prolonged wait time. Attached to this post is our final submission where we explain why the addition of another espresso machine would help lower the wait time and maintain the quality that customers come for.

We chose a regular espresso machine over an automated one because the automated one carried a risk of lowering the quality of taste. The regular one as well had a duplicate already present in the store. By adding a second of its kind, we are avoiding the cost of training the staff on a new machine.

From this project, I learned to anticipate what might go through the mind of a consumer. I was able to apply the skills of operations management to pay attention to both the monetary and physical effects of our proposed plan. I also learned how to write a proper PR/FAQ. This was helpful because it taught me how to take technical information and make it understandable for the general public.

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