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Interesting Facts

Here are some interesting facts about me!

  • My favorite film series is The Lord of the Rings (which I’ve seen at least 6 times over….) and I try to watch all 3 on my birthday every year.
  • I’m a massive fan of sports, both playing and watching. My favorite teams are Manchester United, the Golden State Warriors, San Fransisco 49ers, San Jose Sharks and the Brazilian National Team. Soccer is my favorite sport with basketball at a close second.
  • I am currently rewatching Game of Thrones! (season 4 is the best)
  • I have lived in Fremont, California my whole life but currently live on campus at SJSU.
  • I have a pet cat named Loki! He is 3 years old and hates being touched.
  • Outside of school and work, I like to lift weights, watch/play sports, hike, watch TV/movies, read, draw and recently got super into cooking. I’ve recently been interested in cars and planes as well I think the engineering needed to make them work is some of the coolest work humans have ever done.
  • I am definitely on Instagram and YouTube way too much.
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