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  • Business analysis
  • Data analytics
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Meet Eindveer Hothi

My name is Eindveer Hothi and I am currently studying Management Informations Systems and graduating in December 2024. My education has helped me get a better understanding of database management systems and project management. Growing up having a family business allowed me to understand the importance that data plays in growth for the business. I assisted my parents catering/restaurant business through inventory management, sales/revenue analysis, marketing/promotions and all sorts of data involved growth opportunities. Having parents that were not so tech/math savy allowed me to get the opportunity to be in charge of all the numbers that our business deals with. Not only this but I learned how to work with teams and excelled with problem solving. Through this business opportunity I understood at an early age that I enjoy working with data to find resolutions and grow whatever I am working with. I am usually 75% all business but that 25% of me does enjoy other things. I love to watch football with friends as well as play whenever I get the chance. I enjoy cooking as well due to my grandfather always teaching me new recipes. I love to go on hikes and weight train to stay fit. Overall this is me and my life in a nutshell.

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