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A movie I have watched over and over is Gattaca. This story is set in a futuristic dystopian society where genetic alteration is possible before someone is even born. Once you are born, your genetics determine your capabilities within society. The main character’s parents did not want to alter his genetics which resulted in him being born with severe genetic limitations. He then attempts to defeat the odds stacked against him and his “inferior” genetics by doing everything he can to fulfill his dream of going into space anyway. This is my favorite movie because it shows how meaningful perseverance and dedication are despite conditions outside our control.


I tend to rewatch the same few TV shows. Namely, some I enjoy are New Girl, How I Met Your Mother and House MD. I enjoy watching these because they are mostly lighthearted shows and over time I forget what happens in each episode so it’s still fun to rewatch them.


I have lived with a few cats and one dog in my life and while I do like dogs, I consider myself more of a cat person. I enjoy that cats are independent and uphold their boundaries. They are overall less work and are easier to care for when you have a busy life. 


While I try to stay off my phone as much as possible throughout the day, I do end up using social media sites to de-stress. The ones I use most are Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. I use Snapchat mainly as a form of communication and Instagram mostly as a way to catch up with my friends and see what they’re up to. TikTok is mainly a source of entertainment for me, although I have to be careful with my screen time while using it since it can get out of control. 


Outside of school & work I mostly spend time with my family and pets. This is usually all I have time for on weekdays as I try to finish all my work by 8 pm and go to bed by 11:30. When I have more time, I like to engage in hobbies such as roller skating, walking on the beach, and getting into new books. 


The coolest thing I’ve ever done was learning how to wakeboard. A friend invited me to their vacation home in the Delta where I learned for the first time what wakeboarding was. At first, I was intimidated by the idea of learning this skill but, as I saw my friend riding the wake and having a great time, this motivated me to try it for myself. After a few hours of falling in the water, I was able to stand up and ride the wake which was a great feeling. 


My proudest atypical accomplishment is learning how to be more extroverted and outgoing after considering myself an introvert for most of my life. Growing up I had a close friend group and didn’t care to venture out to meet new people. As I entered high school and college, I knew fewer people and was forced to develop my social skills if I wanted to have a fulfilling social life. At first, I wasn’t used to putting myself out there so I felt energetically drained, but after years of trying, I was finally able to engage with others without feeling drained. Talking to people energized me at some point and now I’m able to “turn on” my extroverted qualities if necessary which helps me especially when networking and meeting new people.

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