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Hi! My name is Harveen Kaur, I’m a third-year student at San José State University on a pre-law path, pursuing a degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Management Information Systems, and a minor in Legal Studies.

I was born in Oakland, California, in July of 2003, and grew up in the Bay Area. I attended high school in Hayward, California and was extremely interested in art and the legal field from a young age. I joined my school’s mock trial

team back in high school, where my school and I won many awards. I carried my passion for the law into college, where I now serve as the President and a team captain of SJSU’s mock trial team. I’m also an intern at the Alameda County Superior Court at the Hayward Hall of Justice, where I serve self-represented litigants in the areas of family and civil law.

Aside from school, I love to draw, dance, sing, paint, and explore my creative side.

I plan on attending law school in Fall of 2025 and I’m interested in gaining more legal experience, and networking.

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