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Interesting Facts About Me

I’m a junior at San Jose State University studying Management Information Systems. I’ve lived in San Jose, California my entire life. After school, I usually like to go to the gym and workout or go on car rides with my friends. My favorite sports team in the NBA is the Golden State Warriors. The coolest thing that I have done is snowmobiling in Lake Tahoe and going swimming in a cave. My favorite movies are The Lorax and Batman: The Dark Knight Rises. I’m currently watching New Amsterdam on Netflix. It’s about a hospital and doctors from all different departments. In my free time, I usually scroll on TikTok or Instagram just to pass some time. My proudest atypical accomplishment is that I was the fastest typer in 5th grade on NitroType. NitroType is a typing game where you can race against people with cars and see whose car goes the fastest based on how fast the person is typing.

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