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140 Points
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Interesting facts about me!!

Here are some interesting facts about me:

Movies I’ve seen a lot: Because of their timeless narratives, I prefer to watch classics like “The Shawshank Redemption” and “The Godfather”.

My favorite sports teams: are the Los Angeles Lakers in basketball and Barcelona FC in soccer.

TV program(s) I’m currently watching: Because of their gripping stories and well-rounded characters, “The Crown” and “Stranger Things” have me completely engrossed now.

Locations I’ve lived: Sunnyvale, Milpitas where I was always inspired by the city’s lively vitality.

Pets: Coco,  our devoted and energetic Cat is a daily source of happiness for our family.

Apps I use frequently: I use Reddit to be informed and entertained, Duolingo to learn languages, and Spotify to listen to music.

My favorite activities to do while not at work or school: I like to go on hikes outdoors, experiment in the kitchen with new dishes, and sew

The coolest thing I have ever done: is visit Disneyland for the tenth year in a row. Every summer for the past ten years before COVID-19, I have visited Disneyland.

My finest accomplishment: My best success was organizing a charity event that collected significant sums for my hometown while combining my social goals with helping those in need.



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