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Desktop Administrator

  • Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)
    • Dealing with user issues via walkups, emails, chat, and tickets
    • Inventory tasks
    • Configuring and shipping out hardware (laptops, MiFi devices, etc)
    • Onboarding/Offboarding
    • Supporting all-hands meetings
    • Own and manage a suite of SaaS tools, such as G Suite, Okta, Slack, 1Password, Freshworks, and Zoom
  • Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)
    • Collaborated on company wide asset in order to have a better understanding of the status of company laptops and which are enrolled in Jamf and which are not.
    • Compiling list of non-functional computers that could be either e-wasted or traded in for credit at apple.
  • What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this experience in the context of specific courses)
      • Through my current job, I got to be hands-on and learned how to navigate the tech industry. There have been many times in which I head to be quick on my feet during stressful situations such as providing AV support for c-level executives. I learned that a lot of what is used at my company, has no relevance to the courses I have taken but they show me different side of tech in which I could also pursue. This tells me that there is more to offer than just standard IT support. My current courses in MIS helped me add more skills to my resume and gave me the opportunity to get feedback from my peers on certain thing such as my writing, resume, and LinkedIn profile.
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