Getting Things Done
1. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this learning module).
What I have learned through the LL course “Getting Things Done” is how to make an efficient plan to finish the individual’s task in both organizations and in personal life. The course does not specifically help to go through my major but it provides a constructive direction on how to get my assignments done for the courses.
The learning module has guided me step by step to get things done including recognizing, clarifying the meaning, organizing, reviewing, and actively engaging. This helped to fix my attitude when it comes to approaching a difficult assignment. Usually, I would briefly read directions and actively engage very quickly, but many times this leads to confusion and loss of interest. This module has taught me to first understand the directions of the given assignment and then move on to the next step organizing what has to be done and reviewing it before actively doing the assignment. This led me to create a habit of brainstorming when I have difficulties with assignments or when I am preparing for big assignments.