Effective Listening
1. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this learning module).
Throughout the LL module “Effective Listening”, I have learned the principles of listening including attitude and when to engage in conversation during or after listening to what other person has said. Moreover, oftentimes, due to an overload of information especially during a lecture or an interview, it is difficult to understand what other people are saying as well as simply give up note-taking. In this case, the learning module has provided tips including focusing on the big picture and recalling details such as repeated words to efficiently capture the important elements of conversation or information while listening to others in any kind of situation. Ever since learning from this module, my note-taking skills have improved as well as created a habit of note-taking ideas. I would re-phrase wordy sentences and summarize the information which helps me to memorize the course materials discussed during the lectures.