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This Year
240 Points
290 Points
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Personal Interesting facts about me

My Favorite sports teams are the Warriors for BasketBall and the 49ers for football.

A Movie that I have watched multiple times are White Chicks or Jumanji(All of them)

Places I have lived in San Jose, and I’ve been here since I was born.

Pets I have a German Shepard named Kody and I also have a couple of types of fish, like in a tank that my family takes care of visit apps like TikTok or Instagram daily to scroll the

internet and see what’s going on, and use important apps like Gmail and iMessage for school and personal reasons.

My favorite hobby to do outside school & work is most likely playing basketball with friends, or even fishing and sometimes going to the gym.

My proudest typical accomplishment I would say is getting multiple 4.0 GPA semesters during high school with lots of AP classes.

The coolest thing I’ve ever done would be cliff jumping in Hawaii, although it wasn’t that high like in those videos.

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