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Can Solivera

The goal of this project was to research a company that participated in globalization. The company I picked is called Can Solivera, an olive oil company which headquarters resides in Catalonia, Spain. This company is very special to me because I was able to tour the headquarters and learn about the business through the 2023 Winter study abroad and away program. The goals of this project were to discuss the 10 components of a business system, I was also able to touch on what makes this company a Blue Ocean business. Through my research I discovered that this family run business expanded to other regions of Spain and have a location in the U.S who is also run by family members. This company focuses on the quality of their olives using a species that continues less oil but higher quality taste. Can Solivera also offers the various ways of extraction which changes the taste of the oil. I am very grateful to say that I was able to personally try the olive oil and was able to tell a considerable difference between the two.

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