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  • Business to Business (B2B)
  • Cyber-security
  • Database management systems
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Mariana’s Biography

Mariana Arellanes is a third-year San Jose State University student studying Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Management Information Systems. Some notable classes include Introduction to Programming, Managerial Accounting, Computer tools, and Braven. These classes have taught her the fundamentals of python, website development, Balance statements, recording money transactions within a business, and proficiently using Excel.


Mariana works for SJSU College Corp teaching a small group of 3rd to 6th graders in Linheaven Elementary school computer programming through enrichment materials and unplugged kits. Actively participating in training, team meetings, and weekly seminars where they discuss the material they will teach the students for the following week. She also engages in service initiatives with underserved communities by volunteering over 180+ hours at nonprofit organizations like Sacred heart, Second Harvest, and Martha’s Kitchen. In addition, she has worked as a hotel associate, receiving, organizing, and solving guest booking problems. 


Getting involved in the SJSU community, Mariana has joined several organizations and clubs. She is currently a part of the Management Information System Association [MISA], Latinos Business Student Association [LBSA], Women In Business [MIB], and Educational Opportunity Program [EOP]. She is actively involved and participates in workshops, seminars, job fairs, and company tours to learn about different career paths within MIS. 

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