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295 Points
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PANDAS Essential Training

This pandas course was challenging but hard. I learned about series and dataframes and did some practice with it. I also learned about data input and validation through using read_csv(), shape, head(), tail(), and info(). After learning how to read the file, I learned how to conduct basic analysis through value_counts(). sort_values(), boolean(T/F) indexing, and string handling. After that, I learned how to some basic plotting through using seaborn and changing the figsize, colors, and plot type. One of my favorite sections was the indexing section, which was quite interesting to learn about set_index(), reset_index(), sort_index(), loc[], and iloc[]. Although I am an international business major, I also specialize in marketing. Learning these PANDAS skills could be useful in data analysis and market research, which is something I want to work in my future career.

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