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M&A Research Analyst

  1. I am a researcher on an 8-person team utilizing Python, JavaScript, and MySQL to perform data scraping and analysis. I perform several data scraping projects parsing through dynamic websites utilizing JavaScript selectors within Python script. Daily presentations to executives showing my various projects utilizing Python, Java, HubSpot and MySQL. 
  2. There are several different data scraping projects that I have worked on utilizing Python, Selenium Driver, Pandas, and many similar Python techniques that we have learned in our MIS 110A class. One specific project that I worked on recently was scraping an Oracle Database that encrypted information that was critical to our associates. In this project, I created a script that parsed through an encrypted Oracle database and populated an excel sheet with the correct information for our associates. Here is the Excel spreadsheet that my script was able to scrape off of the database and populate. OracleScript
  3. In this position, I get to see what a Technical Project Manager does on a daily basis, as well as the overall functions and responsibilities of each member within a back-end development team. I have begun to practice my software development skills and my expertise in JavaScript, Python, and MySQL. I also have to present each week in front of executives which has helped me improve my public speaking skills and has helped me to learn what I need to say within a presentation to the rest of the company. I have learned many transferable skills that will help me within my major courses and within my career.
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