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My Interesting Facts Page


My favorite things to do outside of school & work are to play sports such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, and skiing. I also like to play video games on my Xbox or PC.

Some apps I visit daily include Tiktok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Sammy App.

One pet I currently have is a 4-year-old pug. Years ago, I used to have a fish tank with a couple of fish.

The only place I have ever lived in is my house in Milpitas, CA. It’s north of SJ and I have never moved out of that house.

My favorite sports teams are Golden State Warriors for basketball, SF 49ers for football, and Bayern Munich for soccer.

Some movies I have watched over and over are Fury and Once a Upon a Time in Hollywood.

Some TV shows I’m watching right now are Stranger Things, Breaking Bad, Moonknight, and Loki.


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