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I’m Nathan Thammavongsa, I am currently pursuing my Business Administration degree with a concentration in Management Information Systems. Originally from Indiana, I spent 10 years there before moving 3 times within 2 years. I have moved various times throughout my life and traveled across the United States because of the relocations. As a first-generation student, I wanted to make sure I did my best to support the people around me and also myself. As a result of being in different environments, I learned how to adapt and become open-minded. 

Discovering, learning, and being adventurous is what I am passionate about. When I was young, I had a trip to Asia. This eye-opening experience stuck with me forever. This has shaped me to want the feeling of trying new things, incorporating new hobbies, and learning about different cultures. 

I am involved with cultural clubs such as SJSU Vietnamese Student Association, and SJSU Akbayan at my campus. The time spent in the clubs, communication, and networking were important. Establishing and learning about different cultures to understand diversity were emphasized. I currently work in the Finance and Business Services for San Jose State University. Different projects/tasks are assigned to streamline and support the team. Tasks such as supplier Invoices, catering insurances, supplier COIs, auditing, campus photocopier requests, and many more are done. Being involved with the campus has brought me many precious opportunities and experiences.

Through school, work, experience, and knowledge were gained. I have learned how to face adversity and the challenges that are presented. My time on campus and at work has shaped me to become a person of many traits. These experiences have taught me that there is so much to learn and things to explore in life. This has motivated me to one day own a business in the future. Establishing a foundation, and building upon my experiences will lead toward my goals.


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