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Health is the most important asset

Growing up with a Vietnamese mother who cares a lot about her children’s well-being, I’m ingrained with the belief that health is the most important asset – even if you have empty hands, you can still earn money, pursue your dream, and live your best life, as long as you have a healthy body.  For such reason, I’m very aware of each health concern I have, both mentally and physically, and actively take action to care for myself.

For the past few months, I have been going to the gym at least 3 times per week, and I also hired a PT to reach the wellness goals that I’ve set. This was not just about having a ‘good appearance’, but also about having a huge confidence boost as I was a timid and shy person who feared judgment, especially in an environment such as the gym. Breaking out of that ‘safety shell’ has taught me to put myself in an uncomfortable environment and lock into my goals. Moreover, from the experience, it’s clear to me that mental and physical health connect strongly to each other and I can’t ignore either aspect.


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