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615 Points
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Interesting Facts


  • I have never enjoyed watching movies over and over again; however, there are so many shows that I have re-watched. Friends and Grey’s Anatomy is my most watched show. While both shows could not have been any different from each other, I thoroughly enjoy the comfort friends give, and I watch Grey’s Anatomy for the plot.
  • With working full time and school full time, I have not had time to watch any TV shows, however, I do indulge in YouTube vlogs on my breaks to vicariously live through other people.
  • I was born and brought up in Nepal, so I have lived in Kathmandu; I came to the US and stayed in Mankato, MN, for 2 years, lived in Ohio for a few summers back; and I have been living in California since 2021.
  • I love pets and have always dreamt to be a proud dog mom, but unfortunately it has not happened yet. With such a busy life, adding a Cancelpet to my life is just not a wise decision.
  • As a student, I have to open canvas and duo everyday and cannot forget TikTok
  • I love spending time at the beach; although I do not know how to swim, I enjoy just being close to the ocean and recharging after busy school and work life
  • I went to a restaurant with a bunch of my friends where there was live music playing. Somehow I got pulled in, and I sang a Nepali song for the people at the restaurant. It was truly a memorable and coolest thing I have done.
  • My proudest accomplishment has to be the life that I am currently living. I moved to the states at 18 all by myself from Nepal and I have been working hard to get to where I am, and I am truly grateful and proud.




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