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About Me

Yousif Aprim is my given name; nevertheless, Yousif will do in a pinch. I and my family emigrated to the United States from Iraq in 2014. When I was very young, my parents made the difficult decision to uproot my two siblings and me and move to a new nation where we would have a better chance at finding work and getting an education. We’re really happy with our present home in San Jose.

A few of my favorite pastimes are socializing with friends and family, going out to eat, playing pool and bowling, and relaxing at home. I have a deep and abiding passion for eating, cooking, and going to restaurants. I like a wide range of activities because, truth be told, variety prevents boredom and monotony. I’ve always been interested in cutting hair, and I taught myself how to do it. After the COVID pandemic caused businesses to close, I decided to learn how to cut hair. Initially, I “experimented” on a small group of friends using just one set of scissors and one trimmer. Every time there was a new fashion trend, I would watch a video or read an article about it. From just the two of us, I soon had enough help to cut hair for all of my friends and family. Never did I imagine this would go anywhere, yet here I am with enough supplies to take care of a small army. The satisfaction I get from making my friends and family proud of their hair and beards is well worth the time and effort I put into this hobby.

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