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Building Better Relationships through Listening and Validation

In this LinkedIn Learning Video, Listening is crucial as good listeners go beyond just hearing and actively try to understand and validate the speaker. Validation is a critical component of effective listening as it helps the other person feel understood and can greatly impact relationships in the workplace and beyond. In my major, establishing relationships based on validation can help create a positive work environment where managers, colleagues, and customers feel heard and valued. The Four Steps method of validation involves empathetic listening, identifying the emotions being expressed, offering justification, providing feedback or advice, and following up with validation and appreciation for the speaker’s honesty, regardless of the difficulty of the conversation.  The principles of empathetic listening and validation can be applied to my major, as well as my daily life, whether I am interacting as a colleague or a leader. By taking the time to understand and validate others, we can help them feel heard and understood, which can have a significant impact on their overall attitude and well-being. Even a small interaction with someone can completely shift their day in a more positive direction.

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