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Business Etiquette for the Modern Workplace

CertificateOfCompletion_Business Etiquette for the Modern Workplace1..

In Sum, the Businesses Etiquette for the Modern Workplace primarily states that employees in the work place must be professional at all times.  It is important to correctly identify those with different identities as you do not want to misgender or use someone’s pronouns incorrectly. Moreover, when attending / setting meetings, you want to host these meetings and attend them with a positive attitude.  There will be attendees who may be rude, but it is always important to set a positive mindset.   In addition to this, the videos also stated that to never brand the company you work for and at any moment have the brand misrepresented in any ways.  Doing so can affect your employment and up to termination.


This relates to my career as I will be working with clients and work colleagues and do not want to make a bad impression on them by misusing their name. In addition, you want to ensure that everyone you work with in comfortable with each other and not create any kind of hostile environment, even if conference calls are through ZOOM / Microsoft Teams.  Running these types of meetings have do be done in a professional matter, as some individuals may be offended, and that is something that we do not want to happen!

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