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Facts about me

Be sure to delete these instructions before you submit and after you edit the items below.

Include the below items in your submission that lists interesting facts about you. You must include at least seven of the following items:

  • A specific movie I have watched over and over was the amazing spiderman 1 which features Toby Maguire.
  • My favorite sports team is the Golden State Warriors basketball team
  • A tv show I am currently watching is Chainsaw man
  • I have only lived in California Campbell
  • I have no pets but my sister owns a dog and we visit and take care of the dog often.
  • Apps I use daily are Snapchat, Instagram, and youtube. Almost every day.
  • My favorite thing to do outside of work and school is play games on the computer. I just get too sick back and enjoy games with my friends.
  • The coolest thing I have ever done is something called triple cork in tricking. It is when you do a back flip with one leg and spin 3 times.
  • My proudest atypical achievement would probably be to learn how to juggle from a real clown.
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