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49ers Game – Opening Night

When the fall season comes around, it reminds me that my favorite sports are starting up again (basketball and football). The 49ers home-opener was a blast as I was able to experience it with my hometown friends. Even though I am a big football fan, this is the first-ever NFL game I have attended! The atmosphere was electric and it was totally different than watching at home. When watching in the stadium, you have to be very vigilant of people coming in and out of their seats and where the players are on the field! It is hard to stay focused in the game as there are a lot of surrounding factors that affect my overall attention. I would love to go to another game, especially with how well the 49ers are doing currently. When you study and work hard, you are able to treat yourself to nice events such as the 49ers game. Events like these keep me extremely motivated. Go Niners!

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