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Pandas Essential Training

1. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this learning module).

This course will teach you how to use the pandas library for data analysis and data structuring in Python.This includes and is not limited to

  • DataFrames: Learn how to create and manipulate DataFrames, the core data structure in pandas.
  • Basic Plotting: Understand how to create basic plots to visualize data.
  • Indexing: Master different indexing techniques to access and manipulate data efficiently.
  • Grouping Data: Use the groupby function to group data and perform aggregate operations.
  • Reshaping Data: Learn how to reshape data using stack() and unstack() methods.
  • String Handling: Handle and manipulate string data within DataFrames.
  • Boolean Indexing: Filter data using boolean indexing.
  • Creating Colormaps: Customize your data visualizations by creating your own colormaps.
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