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Guest Speaker: Sonal Sinha

I attended the AIM sponsored live webinar on October 11 and listened to the guest speaker, Sonal Sinha, answer various questions provided by a member of AIM, Khushi Matpadi. After listening to the webinar for about an hour until it ended, I learned that when deciding on a career path, it’s easier to think about things that you don’t want to do rather than things that you want to do. It’s also important to take advantage of internships to see what you enjoy doing and what you don’t enjoy. Another thing that I took away from the webinar is to not be afraid to challenge myself. Challenging myself is the only way I will be able to improve and I shouldn’t be afraid of failing. This webinar relates to my coursework/career goals in that I will take what I learned from this webinar and apply it to my classes and future career.

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