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Critical Thinking

This LinkedIn Learning Module was a course that focused on the development of professional skills. It gave a rundown of what critical thinking is, its techniques, as well as its importance. After taking the course, I learned numerous critical thinking tools such as the 80/20 rule, the five “whys,” and the seven “so-whats.” The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle, is essentially the principle that 20% of the drivers will drive 80% of the results. You need to focus your efforts on the meaningful, not what is 80% that drives 20% of the results. For example, if one thing is causing 80% of the problems, you should think about the broader picture and find out what is causing all these issues. Instead of trying to solve the smaller problems individually, it’s better to solve that one problem that’s causing the other problems.  The next tool is the five “whys,” and the idea behind it is to always ask questions and try to understand the cause. Lastly, the seven “so-whats” is a helpful tool for looking through the consequences of an action. It forces you to think through all the possible implications and future consequences of your actions. This course relates to my major because critical thinking is important for MIS. Knowing some techniques for critical thinking will be a big help to my career.

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