Community Platform
  • Artificial intelligence
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Spartans advance- online management system

  Our goal is to create an application that provides students with a convenient way to monitor the gym’s occupancy. By implementing wireless beam lines that track foot traffic as people enter the gym. These beams would be strategically placed at entry points that have pressure sensors to detect and count the number of individuals walking in. We would also place these beams when entering different rooms such as the 3 court gym, MAC gym, entering sections of the floor, and the studios upstairs. The application would show the amount of people in each specific section for people to get an idea of the crowd level in that specific time. 

As a result we envision through making a better use of an information system for the members, is methods to avoid overcrowding. This campus is actively used by over 30,000 students aside from the other individuals with access to the rec. Center, hence overcrowding is a major problem many of us experience every time we are looking to use our facilities. We look to better the current information systems offered and continue to make the Spartan Recreational Center a better and simpler facility to use for the Spartan community.

Throughout this project, I learned the importance of team work and constructing a plan as simple as an application to ensure a smooth and easily accessible experience for students and community.


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