AI for Social Good Ideathon
Goals: Discover how AI technology can be utilized help to resolve some of the most important social issues
Results: Created an idea for applying AI for water sustainability, preventing contamination and enhancing the water quality around the country.
Project URL:
What I have learned:
Throughout the project, I have learned that AI could also be utilized for social good, including climate change, environment, health, etc. After realizing that many corporations are trying to develop an AI system to benefit our society, I have realized that AI is also beneficial for corporations as well since it helps to process their business more efficiently and reduces time and cost, resolving many difficult and time-consuming issues among society.
On the other hand, throughout the project, I have learned the importance of making and organizing presentations for future careers. Since there was only 5 minute for each group’s presentation, our group tried to be as much concise as possible and still include all the necessary elements. Also, rather than reading off from slides, each member has tried to focus on delivering the idea to actively communicate with the audience.