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Bridging Sociotechnical Divides: Trustworthy AI for Community Well-Being and Fair Decision-Making

I attended the virtual session on on November 6, 2024 at 12:00pm PST while on lunch. The series was sponsored by SJSU and presented by Souvick Gosh. I learned the importance of creating trustworthy AI that is unbiased so that it contributes well to society(especially for the impact on marginalized communities). I also learned some of the ongoing work and how AI is currently being researched to find solutions to current problems like: Using it to strengthen public libraries to be crisis response hubs, and how they use TikTok videos for current and updated on public opinions on current events, which was super cool! This session related to my career goals, because AI is such a hot topic at the moment for those in the field and students such as myself that I found it important and useful to know where the gaps are, where people are currently doing work and what is still left to do so that I have an idea of where I can apply my MIS knowledge in helping bridge the gaps in my career.


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