Community Platform
  • Business analysis
  • Data analytics
  • Financial systems
This Year
100 Points
555 Points
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Group Coding Project

The goal of the group coding project was to create an interface using Google Colab for the head of sales and marketing person using one of my team members recommendation report, so the the head of sales and marketing person can look over the analytics themselves. Also, we were required to make the code error-free, no unexpected input from user, and allow the head of sales and marketing person to modify the analytics. The results was great in fulfilling all the projects requirements and the project functioning as it is instructed to my group. In this group project, I learned how to make an interface to view analytics from a data file. We used the functions for each analytic and documented some of the code to know what is happening in them. I made sure the If-else statements had the appropriate documentation and statements for each analytics, so the user knows what they are looking for when using the interface.



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