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Interesting Facts Page

  • Movie(s) I have watched over and over: Hugo directed by Martin Scorsese! I used to watch that movie a lot as a child, definitely one of my favorites from back then.
  • TV show(s) I’m watching right now: Currently I’m watching Breaking Bad and Bleach, two very different shows for sure.
  • Places I have lived: I have lived in India, the Maldives, Florida, and finally California (in order). I’ve been in California the longest, for about 16 years, then Florida for 2 years, and India and the Maldives for the other 2 and a half years.
  • Pets: My family has only had one pet, a dog named Milo. We got him pretty recently, he’s a little over three years old. We don’t know exactly what his breed is but he’s a small/medium sized dog with extremely curly white/tan fur and a little nub for a tail. My guess is he is something mixed with a maltese or a poodle but he just looks like many breeds together.
  • Apps I visit daily: Definitely my messages, Instagram, and TikTok. I don’t really use my phone for much else, all my work and email checks are done on my laptop, although apps such as Gmail and Canvas enter the app rotation on my phone occasionally as well.
  • Favorite things to do outside of school & work: I really enjoy the arts, reading and writing is fun. Photography and editing videos together is one of my favorite activities in general. I have accumulated a decent amount of cameras throughout my life and I try to document little moments from my life on them. I also enjoy dancing quite a lot, I was captain of the varsity team back in high school but unfortunately I haven’t had the time to continue it in college.
  • Coolest thing I’ve ever done: I think just traveling and seeing new places/having new experiences. When I visited Maui I went snorkeling for the first time and it was such a fun time.
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