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This Year
290 Points
540 Points
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Speech and Debate Competition

  1. Las Positas College, Talk Hawk Invitational 16th annual
  2. I was ranked 1st place in Novice IPDA, a debate event in which two debaters have 30 minutes of prep time to make a case for their given sides and win the judge’s favor. In addition, I was awarded Top Speaker award in which the judges ranked me as the 4th most competitive candidate out of the 28 novice debaters throughout the tournament.
  3. I learned that delivery is everything. When you speak with full conviction and confidence, you are able to strongly capture the audience and convince them that you are the credible expert in the room.
  4. My time on SJSU’s speech and debate team so far has significantly enhanced my communication and critical-thinking abilities. These skills are critical in moving up in any industry as clear, strong communication skills demonstrate your competency in the workplace.
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