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TEEvolution app prototype

This project took the semester where we focused on research, analysis, design, and implementation of our app prototype for a local business or service of our choice.

Through this project, we researched ways to improve a local business of our choice. My group focused on a local Thai restaurant called Thai Elephant Express. From there we research the different methods that we can implement both online and in-person to improve the overall customer experience. We had to determine the tangible and intangible benefits, the project’s timeline, as well as its overall feasibility. This proposal surrounds an app prototype that will be able to streamline the restaurant’s ordering process for both management and customers. It can also overall enhance their online presence which will broaden their customer base.

This project helped me learn how to view a product from start to finish and highlighted the importance of detailed research to develop a product that can be beneficial to all users as well as differentiate them from competitors.

Link to presentation:

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