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car project

  1. Include the goals, results, project URL (if applicable), and what you learned in a brief paragraph.
  2. Once approved, the description is automatically displayed in a post on your e-portfolio.

The goal of this project was to create an app that allows the customer to chose on a different variety of cars listen on the app for them to rent them, once you open the app it welcomes you to the company, within the app also includes different types of car with the year and different categories such as: the car, the brand and the model, once you select your car it thanks you for choosing the car and lastly it closes down with a GIF of the company with the final result of your order.

In this project I learned how to code and create an actual app that can help customers renting cars, I learned how to create codes and use them all in an app which also includes a GIF. This project taught me to work with as a team and helped each other on creating an app.




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