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CEO of United Airline research Project

This research project appears to focus on studying United Airlines’ business model, competition, ethical issues, and case studies, with the following primary objectives:

Business Overview: Explain United Airlines’ business model, principal revenue streams, and core values such as innovation, accessibility, cost reduction, and brand status.

Competitive Analysis: Compare United Airlines to its competitors, particularly Southwest Airlines, emphasizing disparities in service, reward programs, and price methods.

Ethical Issues: Discuss ethical quandaries in United Airlines’ commercial operations, including as CEO salary, airline policy (e.g., plus-size seating), and the ethical consequences of overbooking and customer expulsion.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Investigate United’s environmental measures, such as their aim to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, fuel efficiency initiatives, and waste reduction.

Case Study Analysis: Investigate the infamous United Express Flight 3411 incident, assessing the ethical obstacles and public relations failures, and spark class discussion about ethical issues such as overbooking and treatment of passengers.

In summary, the presentation aims to assess United Airlines’ operational and ethical difficulties while engaging the audience in debates about business ethics, corporate responsibility, and competitive strategy.

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