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Stretch for Relief: Wellness Event and Fundraiser for Second Harvest Food Pantry

Completed a multi-level fundraising event that put what I learned in my Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior class into action. We raised over $800 for the Second Harvest Food Pantry to provide meals for the less-privileged in the Bay Area. We did so through selling handmade crystal-bracelets, necklaces, and crystals as well as hosting a guided yoga and bracelet-making event and maintaining an online fundraiser. I was the coordinator for the project and ensured we were proactively doing all we can to increase revenue and have a wider reach with our event and everything we offered. We had to create and execute marketing strategies, track sales through organizing excel files, budgets, and establishing an online website for ticket purchases. I played a big role in organizing the team and making sure we were following through deadlines, and I learned tons through applying effective project management skills. We worked on this project for about 2 1/2 months and ended up bringing in 10% of the total revenue all our professor’s classes raised together!


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