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Interesting Facts About Me


I have watched over and over “Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory(1971)”. This movie is an all time classic for me. The movie has a mix of imagination, along with many musical numbers making it a very whimsical movie.

My favorite sports team is the Denver nuggets. I started to watch the nuggets during Covid-19. I fell in love with Jokic and Murrays chemistry when they were playing in the bubble. I was also excited to see them win the 1st franchise win in the 2023 season!

TV shows I am watching right now are “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul” – Both of these American dramas involve drug dealers with in New Mexico. There is a mix of very suspenseful drama and very creative script writing within the characters lines. The cinematography is also top tier within these shows

I have lived in Sunnyvale, California my whole life. I have lived in different countries for a couple weeks though. I have been to Mexico to build houses and have spent weeks in Cuba to help out local churches.

I have owned 1 dog as a pet owner. I had adopted a miniature maltese-poodle from birth. She had lived a full life up until 13 year years old where she has moved on from old age. She was the cutest white dog never weighing more than 5 pounds her whole life.

Some apps I use daily are Instagram and Robinhood. I use instagram to chat and keep tabs with my friends. I use Robinhood to strategically invest my money and keep tabs on the stock market.

Some of my favorite things to do outside of school and work are: basketball, running, weightlifting, video games, making pour-over coffee,  church, and helping local communities.

Coolest thing I’ve ever done was make a citizens arrest. There was someone who had broken into our church committing vandalism and theft. I was able to apprehend the suspect with skills I have learned in wrestling practice.

My proudest physical accomplishment was benching 225 pound on the bench press. My proudest educational accomplishment was passing my 2 part A+ CompTia Exams

This activity has help my career goals by refocusing what my interests are and use them as motivators to strive for more professional growth.

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