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My Daily Schedule

The way I keep myself organized is by writing down things I need to get done. I start my day by looking at my emails in case there is an important announcement from a class. I also check my email to be on the lookout for any internships that I have applied for. During class and throughout the day I will use Canvas to make sure that I have turned in everything. I also add reminders for other things that I need to get done such as emailing professors or internship interviews that I cannot miss. I also use Google Calendar sometimes as a double reminder to not miss anything. The last image shows a phone app that shows my classes. This app is important because it has information such as where the class is located and who the professor is. It also gives me a 15 min reminder to make sure I am not late.


Google Calender

Canvas Calender

Class Schedule

Reminds me 15 min before a class.

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