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Customer Characteristics in Relation to Fitness

I had a partner with which we had to examine a dataset of individuals that included information on things like age, income, and fitness activity. With the help of all of this data, we were able to determine relationships between particular characteristics and fitness levels and where we should focus our treadmill sales. We were able to use the provided data to decide who we should target based on factors like age or marital status by utilizing Python and Pandas. With the use of all the data, we were able to determine that there is a significant correlation between weekly mileage and revenue. Also, we discovered that marital status has little effect on how many miles are run each week. What I took out from this is how to break down a large dataset for analysis in order to identify consumer trend patterns. I was able to ascertain the demographic we ought to target in light of our product line by doing this. All in all, I was able to retain good information on pandas and collect data to compare between groups.

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