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GB Manufacturing Project

  1. Include the goals, results, project URL (if applicable), and what you learned in a brief paragraph

I was provided a case study to use as inspiration for my approach and solution to the problem. The problem at hand was how to develop a new system that included computer systems. To figure out how to fix our present problem, we used our data to generate Gantt charts, a training and communication plan, use case diagrams, 0dfds, and more.

This class assignment taught me the value of working as a team to tackle problems. Employees would gather for weekly scenario meetings during which we would assess the problems and discuss the best course of action. As a team, we were able to develop several diagrams and plans for recognizing problems and outlining our approach to solving and implementing them. By talking about how we would teach the staff to do so, we would develop strategies for putting each component of our new system into practice. As a consequence, we were able to modernize the existing system the firm used and incorporate technology into it to make it more structured and efficient. We were able to save the business money and provide the staff with more time by doing this.

Project URL: Final Report

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