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ECS community Outreach

As a volunteer board member at Ethiopian Community Services (ECS), I’ve been deeply involved in our organization’s goals, results, and impact. ECS, a non-governmental organization, aims to provide community access resources and educational outreach. Since joining in 2020 amidst the pandemic, I’ve witnessed and contributed to significant changes within ECS. One of our most impactful initiatives involved educating our community about COVID-19 and prevention methods, which included hosting experts who could communicate in our community’s language. Overcoming vaccine hesitancy was another challenge we tackled head-on. Collaborating with Root Community Health Center, we engaged with individual community members, fostering trust and comfort in vaccine uptake. Personally, I reached out to 30-40 community members, assisting them in scheduling vaccine appointments. Our efforts were recognized with a certification award from the former Mayor of San Jose, Sam Liccardo. I continue to volunteer at ECS actively, participating in various educational and social events, while also focusing on expanding our social media presence to reach youth and young adults. Through these experiences, I’ve learned the importance of community engagement, trust-building, and proactive outreach in achieving tangible results.

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