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Developing an information system design document for an organization

We were divided into five teams and tasked with analyzing and designing the information system for our local food truck business. As a team, we identified areas for improvement to enhance customer service. We focused on integrating an online food ordering system and redesigning the menu to make it more appealing. This project spanned a semester and involved several deliverables.

We began with the Project Planning Report, where we outlined the background, problem statement, and proposed solutions. In Deliverable 2, the Project Scheduling Report, we used Jira to create Gantt and WBS charts to outline task timelines. Additionally, we conducted a Cost-Benefit Analysis and Economic Feasibility Analysis for the solution we provided.

Through this project, I was able to apply theoretical knowledge from class to a real-world scenario, providing valuable hands-on experience. It also provided me with the opportunity to explore the role of a systems analyst, which I had not previously considered but am now inspired to delve into further.

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